This is how you can contact me:

WaysOfLife (at) *, if it's about this site in general
birgit (at) *, if you want to write to me personally

* Please copy & paste & change (at) into @, this is in order to avoid spam.

Articles written by myself can be used elsewhere, either completely or in part, yet unchanged and with the following indication of source: "
© courtesy of Birgit Barandica, WAYS OF LIFE." 

For articles by other authors, consent must be requested accordingly.

© 2005-2011 by Birgit Barandica, all rights reserved

WAYS OF LIFE does not take responsibility for the contents of other websites that are linked with our sites. Comments and depictions must not necessarily correspond to the views of WAYS OF LIFE. For legal aspects, please click the english flag in the following link:
